
Work Experience

Software Developer - Pinja Digital

Jan 2024 - Jan 2000

MSSQL, Hardware Configuration, Microsoft, Git


Software Developer - FSD

Jun 2022 - Dec 2022

Python, XML, Jenkins, SonarQube, Git

I was assigned to maintain Python application that was used to efficiently update the XML description files of FSD data in bulk.

As part of my responsibilities, I also developed and implemented various utility software tools to troubleshoot and resolve any challenges that arose during the course of the project. The position entailed a high degree of accountability and attention to detail, as the integrity and accuracy of the data was of critical importance. The role required a steady and diligent approach to ensure all updates were executed correctly and thoroughly.

Internship Trainee - Tuni

May 2021 - Jun 2021

JavaScript, Python, Unity

In this task, I had a teamwork project and a free form coding project.

In the team project, our team designed and developed two different virtual simulated environments for the health personnel’s / students, where they can practice concentration and pressure tolerance in rescue situations.

In the coding project, I implemented a web-based weather application. As for programming languages I used Javascript / HTML / CSS and the weather data for the application was fetched from the OpenWeatherMap API. The application runs on the Netlify server


Course NameSubjectLanguageView
Full Stack openWeb DevelopementEnglishDownload
Full Stack open - TypeScriptWeb DevelopementEnglishDownload
Full Stack open - Relational DatabasesWeb DevelopementEnglishDownload